Parent/carer engagement in learning and everyday positive parenting are major contributors to children’s learning, and can build children’s confidence, motivation, capability and competence as learners. To help us provide the best possible education for your child, family involvement is welcomed and encouraged at Gilmore Primary School. Here are just a few ways you can help us to support your child:
- talk with your child about school (highlighting the positive aspects);
- read to/with your child regularly and/or encourage them to read independently for pleasure;
- speak to your child's teacher about issues if they arise;
- read the fortnightly newsletters to remain informed about things that are happening at school; and
- follow us on Facebook to stay up to date. We acknowledge the valuable role of each family and community member in the learning and development of their children. How families become involved in the education of their children at Gilmore Primary School will depend on what suits the individual family. We encourage family involvement at every opportunity. You can find more practical information to help you to support your children’s learning here: The Education Directorate also has a series of facts sheets for families to help them support their child’s learning and engagement at school. You can find more information at