School Board

Each government school in the ACT is administered by a school board whose membership comprises the school principal, two elected staff members, three elected members of the parent body and a nominee of the Education Directorate. Elected members normally serve for a two-year period.

The Board is the policy-making body of our school. Its major functions are to:

  • determine the educational policies to be implemented at the School
  • assess, from time to time, the needs of the School in relation to the provision of buildings and facilities, equipment, funds and teachers and other staff, and make recommendations to the Director General (of the Education Directorate) with respect to the meeting of those needs
  • determine the purposes for which funds made available for the School are to be expended
  • make recommendations to the Director General in respect of the use of the buildings, facilities and equipment of the School for purposes other than school purposes
  • develop relationships between the School and the community and between the School and community organisations
  • make recommendations to the Director General on matters relating to the School.Responsibility for the implementation of policies and procedures established by the Board rests with the Principal and staff.